Sunday, June 1, 2014


Manufacturing Organizations use 6-sigma tools to drive continual improvement in Manufacturing and Production Operations. In the present work environment everyone involved in continual improvement should be equipped or armed with the know how in utilizing 6-sigma tools. However, we will focus on key 6-sigma tools.This course will improve the analytic skill effectiveness in problem solving and implementation of the appropriate tools in the continual improvement process using Minitab 15.


On completion of the Program, participants will be able:

1. Understanding  Minitab Application

2. Understand and apply the Quality Planning tools

3. Identify and apply the Quality Control tools

4. Identify and utilize Quality Improvement tools

5. How to carry out their Process Capability studies

6. Understand Basic Statistics and Anova

This will enhance participants capability of problem solving and conducting many quality improvement activities using Minitab 15


Lecture, Workshop  Activities, Discussion & Calculations

Course content

1. Introduction – Statistical Principles

-  Introduction to Minitab 15
-  Basic Statistics
-  Types of  variables
-  The Gaussian Distribution
-  Standard Deviation and Standard Error of the Mean
-  Exercise/Case Study

2. Descriptive Statistics and Normality Tests

-  Frequency distributions (Histogram)
-  Describing curves
-  Anderson-Darling Test – Test for Normality
-  Scatter Plot, correlation & regression
-  Logistic Regression
-  Pareto
-  RTY
-  Exercise/Case Study

3. 1-way ANOVA and 2-way Anova

-  Key concepts
-  Repeated measures 1-way ANOVA
-  Ordinary 2-way ANOVA
-  Post-hoc tests
-  Exercise/Case Study

4. Statistical applications in quality improvements:

-  Law of Variation, Common and Special Causes
-  Basic principle of Statistical Process Control (SPC)
-  What is a control chart?
-  Types of control chart
-  Process improvement and capability
-  Exercise/Case Study/Assignment

5. Hypothesis testing and statistical significance

6. Nonparametric hypothesis Tests

7. Confidence intervals

8. P Values

9. Outliers test

10.Sample size study

11.Exercise/Case Study/Assignment

12.Comparing Two Groups (t-test)

-  Key concepts: t tests and related nonparametric tests
-  Unpaired t test
-  Paired t test Kruskal-Wallis test
-  Friedman’s test
-  Exercise/Case Study/Assignment

Target Audience

1. QA/QC Managers / Executives / Supervisors / Engineers involved in process improvement preferably graduates in Science or Engineering fields

2. This course involves many calculations and mathematical modeling


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